Digital Elements

.element represents the building block of digital matter formation

Any piece of block data can be used to identify a pattern on Bitcoin's blockchain. Patterns recognized are inherently open source, anyone can point to that pattern and create a project derivative that references the existence of that pattern.

Naming an element is a registry. Naming an element can only be done once and you can not reuse the same name to represent another element.

The decision-making journey when postulating the existence of a desired sequence or pattern within these fields of information is executed through a process we've labeled as "Bitinformatics". A nod to the interdisciplinary life sciences field of Bioinformatics which develops methods for understanding biological data to interpret genomic sequences that influence biological processes.

Through Bitinformatics, an element discoverer is actively embedding a set of instructions onto the Bitcoin blockchain through Ordinal Inscriptions based on the .element registry specification. This action allows independent indexers to identify the quantifiable existence of the pattern and account for new supply introduction upon the minting of new blocks. This introduces many new root value information sources that can be deployed and utilized by digital token creators, adding an optional non-arbitrary immutable variable to ecosystem design.

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