NAT Deployment Format

Elements <- Token Deploy

Creating Your Own Non-Arbitrary Token Hybrid

Deploying a NAT is a simple JSON inscription that references an .element inscription that you want to use for the foundation of your NAT.

Step 1. Token Deploy

Use the following JSON to deploy your NAT using any text inscription platform. Locate the inscription ID of the element

The first deployment of a ticker is the only one that has claim to the ticker. Tickers are not case sensitive (DOGE = doge).

"p": "tap",
"op": "dmt-deploy",
"elem": "<inscriptionID>",
"tick": "<name>",
"prj": "<0.bitmap inscriptionID>",
"dim": "h | v | d | a",
"dt": "h | n | x | s | b",
"id": "<content inscriptionID>"


Protocol: TAP


Operation: Event (dmt-deploy, token-mint, token-transfer)


Element: Reference to the .element inscriptionID


Ticker: 3 and 5 to 32 (UTF16)


Project: Reference to existing project's (i.e. 0.bitmap) inscriptionID


Dimension: Only required if you're recognizing a pattern in a given field. (horizontal, vertical, diagonal, add) 'add' represents the sum of 'h', 'v', and 'd', counts of the given pattern.


Data Types: "h" hex, "n" numeric, "x" unix time, "s" string, "b" boolean. If the "dt" field is left out, the data type set within the block data is used by default. ⚠️ If the element you choose has a pattern, "dt" in your deploy inscription is required. ⚠️


ID: this is the inscription id of your UNAT content. (generative script art, 3d model, app)

Step 2. Ready for Mint

Deployment inscriptions represent the start of your NAT. Once inscribed, there are several methods for you to create a project around your NAT. Please refer to NAT use cases for an in depth look at some of the ways Minting your token can occur. When you're ready to Mint head over to NAT Minting to see how.

Last updated